Archive for May, 2012

Breastfeeding in other countries being frowned upon?/Breasts being considered Sexual objects

May 18, 2012



On the official Sims 3 site. There is a topic about breast feeding (if the OP had put BF into the title oringally, I would have tried to stay clear of it but she/he didn’t). Well according to my parents and everything I can find, the whole frowning on breast feeding is because the Puritans (who one of my ancestors was one) viewed breasts as sexual objects and sex was “evil”. Yes Puritans did breastfeed children, but still breasts were still considered sex objects like they still are today* I am trying to find other countries where breast feeding is frowned upon. In the U.K its only frowned up if the kids is over a year old. In France it doesn’t seem like a big deal.


One of the stories I found? A male doctor was touring a hospital in the Middle East, and accidently came upon an area where there was a group of women who were  breastfeeding. When the women say him, they all dove for a cover for their heads.

Another story I have found is that somewhere in Monglia, two toddlers were fighting and the two moms and all the last of the women in the room started to lift up their shirts and flap their breasts and call to the toddlers to come and nurse and there were MEN present.


I do know that a lot of people suggested that women who breast feed should cover the baby up with a blanket or something. But doesn’t that’s just makes the breast more sexual? or doesn’t it just draw more attention to the breasts?

Why should woman who breastfeed be moved to a restroom room or something? Would YOU like to eat in a bathroom? So if you don’t want to eat in the bathroom, a baby shouldn’t.

My mom has a story about me. We were at the Ex  and mom was breastfeeding me and there was an elderly couple nearby that mom walked past. I can’t remember what my mom said the man said, but the man’s wife said “What do you expect the baby to drink Pepsi?”

But its seems like America gets the majority of the bad reputation for “frowning” upon breastfeeding. I mean just look: Facebook, Putting Breastfeeding back on Sesame Street (which did have breast feeding in 1970s and ‘80s), and the latest scandal over the cover of the Time Maginzie


What is Normal Reallly?

May 5, 2012

What is normal excatly? There isn’t really any normal is there? Since some people are dark-skinned, some have fair skin, some have red hair, some have blond, some have brown. Some people are Jewish, some people are Muslims, some people are Christants, some people are Hindus. Some people are disabled, others aren’t or get disabled later on. Some people are in the 1% and the rest are in the 99%.

Really there isn’t any really normal now. Since if it were weren’t we all have like fair skin and blond and be able bodied and be of one certain faith and all be rich right?


May 5, 2012

In Toronto there this case because the major newspaper The Toronto Star and the Toronto mayor Rob Ford. On Wednesday, Ford applied for what he called “vacant” land next to his property to build a bigger fence for his children.  The Reporter Dale, said the TRCA said that the land in question is actually a bit of parkland with mature trees. Dale said the map, TRCA gave him was very confusing, that’s why he ended up BEHIND Fords house.

so proof 1)the picture which was released in today’s paper, the blocks were too far apart for ANYONE to be standing on. 2)Dale never SAW the blocks didn’t even know they there. So 1)Ford’s lying 2)his neghbiour is in cahoots with him too.  3)Ford has a history of lying and a history of having fits when he doesn’t get his own way.  5)since he’s not releasing the video that they supposedly have of Dale  it means its disapproves his story or why else is he hiding it?  I bet anything (which I don’t) if the police said anything about the video, the police are in Cahoots with Ford too. As they were with the incident in October with the This Hour has  22mins comedian


Why didn’t he just call the police? I mean Ford supposedly had death threats.  what if it was his ex-brother in law?

How what in the world is inappropriate about what I said?

May 4, 2012
This is what I said on the thread I’m in CHRISTIAN church that allows people who are: same-sex, or who have disablties. SO not ALL chirstians (or branches of Chirstanty) are alike. Oh and its wooohing part that’s the sin not the actual attraction. Its just one branch of Chirstanty which hates gays/lesbians. Like I said that’s CATHOLICS and not ALL of them.” here’s the link to the thread:
well I got an email from EA CS saying this: Hello, Your Electronic Arts account has been issued a warning for violating the terms of service for Electronic Arts Online. This is your (first) hidden post for TOS violations. Further violations of the terms of service could lead to additional action, including suspension of services. Violation:inappropriate language Post:Temat: where art thou simmy god?? and I’m in CHRISTIAN church that allows people who are: same-sex, or who have disablties. SO not ALL chirstians (or branches of Chirstanty) are alike. Oh and its wooohing part that’s the sin not the actual attraction. Its just one branch of Chirstanty which hates gays/lesbians. Like I said that’s CATHOLICS and not ALL of them.
  is anything of what I said inappropriate no!! Its not.

why can’t people understand why I don’t want to move away from my Safety net?

May 4, 2012

On Wednesday night I went out with my girlfriends. One of my Girlfriends suggested L’Arche. A program for developmentally disabled like myself  who live in something called “communities” in a single house you share with 6-8 other people well you get to have indpenece but also gain work experience too. Well when I got home that night, I googled “L’Arche” but there’s a problem, the nearest L’Arche in my area is in Toronto and to me that’s too far away from my safety net (which is “Durham”) which means I would have to give up my comfortable routine here in Durham which I have already made (ie bowling with people I actually trust from Sept-April on Mondays).