Savage Sam and the Son of Flubber (1963)

Savage Sam

Savage Sam is suppose to be a sequel to Old Yeller. But the dog that suppose to be Old Yeller’s son is an completely different dog breed (Bluetick Coonhound) then Old Yeller who was literally a Golden or is it yellow lab. The only way its a sequel is that Tommy Kirk and Kevin Corcoran reprise their roles of Travis and Arliss Coates from the first movie.

Most of the movie is Travis, Arlis and a neighbour’s daughter, Elizabeth, being captured by Native Americans who also stole horses as well. After Travis is accidently left behind, he gets reunited with his and Arliss’ Uncle Ben (played by Brian Keith) and mostly random people. But Arliss and Elizabeth get rescued eventually and everyone goes home eventually. Its not that great of a movie. I give it 3 out of 5 stars.

Son of Flubber

Professor Ned Brainard’s invention of flubber didn’t bring him the wealth he expected. The Pentagon classified his discovery as top secret and the IRS demanded a large tax payment, despite him not earning any money yet. To solve his problems, he believes flubbergas, a substance that can control the weather, might be the answer. Additionally, it assists Medfield College’s football team in winning a game. Meanwhile, at home, his wife Betsy feels envious of the attention he receives from an old high school flame.

It was interesting in some ways. But in some ways it kind of repeated the first movie Uncle Walt normally hated the idea of sequels so he normally would not allow sequels to the movies. But he only let it pass this time because there were unused gags from the first movie. The only thing interesting is when Professor Brainard is on trial for “destroying all the windows in the town” Ed Wynn shows up to tells them that the “dry rain” has fertilized the plants in the area which have grown gigantic. The only other thing is we see something of Brainard’s past seeing a ex- girlfriend. I’m going to give it 3 out of 5.

This movie is what caused the entire problem of real Flubber being under a Hasbro Warehouse somewhere in New Jersey which suppose you can see on hot days according to a UL by employees.

IF you want to see these two movies , you can but I wouldn’t really recommonded them at all. Not that interesting.

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One Response to “Savage Sam and the Son of Flubber (1963)”

  1. cathytea Says:

    I’m pretty sure I skipped both of these. Even as a kid, I somehow knew they didn’t live up to the Disney standard!

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